Playing it SMART!

bringing back life skills to a new generation

3 Steps To Teaching Your Kids the Art of Kindness

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” -Mark Twain Holding a door open. Giving up your seat for someone. Offering someone a helping hand. Is it human nature, or do we have to teach our children to be kind? In honor of February 17th,...

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A Simple Handshake!

"A simple hello can lead to a million things." Author unknown Have you ever said "Hello" to someone and then instead of them saying "Hi" back they either looked down or away?. How does that make you feel? It can hurt your feelings, right? Silence might mean "I'm mad...

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The Smile: A Powerful Tool!

First Challenge of 2015 - Smile 🙂 As we begin 2015, I have a number of  "Playing it SMART" challenges to pass on. The first one of the new year is to smile. How often do we forget to smile? Smiling and laughing can change your mood and make others feel more...

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2014 Year in Review

  Thank you to all parents, educators and experts for your support in 2014. It was an exciting and busy launch year! Here are just a few highlights and accomplishments: Recognized with prestigious award seals from parents and experts including: Moms Choice Awards...

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