“A simple hello can lead to a million things.” Author unknown


Have you ever said “Hello” to someone and then instead of them saying “Hi” back they either looked down or away?. How does that make you feel? It can hurt your feelings, right? Silence might mean “I’m mad at you” or “I don’t really like you”. So even if you are feeling sad, angry, busy, late, afraid, or embarrassed always say hello. We say hello to let the other person know that we have noticed him or her.

Challenge #2 of 2015 is simple– Find your perfect handshake and say “Hello”! Click link to download this free activity sheet. Shake Hands Good luck!

Don’t forget to check out www.thesmartplaybook.com for more family games and challenges. The SMART Playbook: Game-changing life skills for a modern world. Fun for kids. Easy for parents. Social skills the SMART way!


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